Site icon Wpolityce Your Source for Conservative News, Politics, and Analysis in Poland’s Media Landscape A Portal for News and Opinions from Poland and the World

News and Opinions from Poland is a Polish online media platform that provides news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia content on various topics related to politics, economy, culture, society, and international affairs. The portal was launched in 2009 by the conservative think tank Fundacja Republikańska (Republican Foundation) and is affiliated with the weekly magazine W Sieci (In the Network). is one of the most popular and influential websites in Poland, with over 10 million unique visitors per month.

The Mission and Vision of

According to its website, aims to be a “voice of reason” and a “guardian of values” in the Polish public debate. The portal claims to uphold the principles of patriotism, democracy, freedom, justice, solidarity, and Christian heritage. It also seeks to promote a positive image of Poland in the world and to defend its national interests. declares that it is independent from any political parties or groups, but it supports the policies of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party and criticizes the opposition Civic Platform (PO) party and its allies.

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The Content and Format of covers a wide range of topics and issues that are relevant to the Polish and global audiences. The portal has several sections, such as:

  • Polityka (Politics): This section features news, opinions, interviews, reports, and live broadcasts on the current political events and controversies in Poland and abroad. Some of the recent topics include the parliamentary commission on Russian influence, the flooding in Warsaw, the Campus Polska event organized by PO, and the return of Donald Tusk to Polish politics.
  • Świat (World): This section provides information and analysis on the international affairs and relations, especially those involving Poland’s allies and adversaries. Some of the recent topics include the war in Ukraine, the immigration crisis in Europe, the climate policy of the European Union, and the US-China rivalry.
  • Ekonomia (Economy): This section reports on the economic situation and trends in Poland and the world, as well as the government’s actions and reforms to boost growth and development. Some of the recent topics include the National Recovery Plan, the agricultural sector, the tax system, and the digital transformation.
  • Kultura (Culture): This section showcases the cultural achievements and events in Poland and abroad, such as literature, art, music, film, theater, history, religion, and education. Some of the recent topics include the Nobel Prize winner Olga Tokarczuk, the Polish film Corpus Christi, the Catholic Church in Poland, and the educational reform.
  • Społeczeństwo (Society): This section explores the social issues and challenges that affect the Polish people and their values, such as family, health, security, justice, morality, and identity. Some of the recent topics include the abortion law, the COVID-19 pandemic, the LGBT rights, and the media freedom. also offers various multimedia content, such as videos, podcasts, blogs, galleries, infographics, quizzes, polls, newsletters, and social media channels. The portal also cooperates with other media outlets, such as Telewizja wPolsce (Television in Poland), Radio Wnet (Radio Network), Gazeta Polska (Polish Newspaper), Niezależ (, Do Rzeczy (To The Point), Sieci Prawdy (Networks of Truth), (, (, Wirtualna Polska (Virtual Poland), (, (, TVP Info (TVP Info), TVN24 (TVN24), Polsat News (Polsat News), RMF FM (RMF FM), Radio Zet (Radio Zet), Tok FM (Tok FM), Rzeczpospolita (Republic), Dziennik Gazeta Prawna (Daily Legal Newspaper), Fakt (Fact), Super Express (Super Express), Nasz Dziennik (Our Daily), Gość Niedzielny (Sunday Guest), Tygodnik Powszechny (Universal Weekly), Polityka (Policy), Newsweek Polska (Newsweek Poland), Wprost (Directly), Forbes Polska (Forbes Poland), Bloomberg Businessweek Polska (Bloomberg Businessweek Poland), and others.

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Conclusion is a prominent and influential online media platform that offers news and opinions from Poland and the world. The portal has a conservative and pro-government orientation, but it also claims to be independent and objective. provides a variety of content and formats to inform and engage its readers and viewers. is a source of information and inspiration for many Poles who are interested in politics, economy, culture, society, and international affairs.

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