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The Tragic Story of Takoda Collins

Takoda Collins

Takoda Collins was a 10-year-old boy who died on December 13, 2019, after being subjected to years of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect by his father, Al-Mutahan McLean, and his stepmother, Amanda Hinze. Takoda was locked in a filthy attic, starved, beaten, burned, raped, and tortured by his abusers, who also prevented him from attending school or receiving medical care. His death sparked outrage and grief in the community, and raised questions about the failure of the child welfare system to protect him.

Takoda’s Early Life and Family Background

Takoda was born on October 23, 2009, to Robin Collins and Al-Mutahan McLean. His parents were never married, and had a tumultuous relationship. Robin Collins claimed that McLean was abusive and controlling, and that he kidnapped Takoda when he was a baby. She said she tried to get him back, but was unable to locate him or get help from the authorities. McLean moved around with Takoda, and eventually settled in Dayton, Ohio, where he met Amanda Hinze, who became his girlfriend and Takoda’s stepmother.

The Abuse and Neglect Takoda Endured

According to the police and the coroner’s reports, Takoda suffered unimaginable abuse and neglect at the hands of McLean and Hinze. They locked him in a dark, dirty, and cold attic, where he slept on a urine-soaked mattress. They deprived him of food and water, and forced him to drink excessive amounts of liquids as a punishment. They hit him with belts, fists, and objects, leaving bruises, cuts, and scars all over his body. They burned him with cigarettes and a blowtorch, and sexually assaulted him with objects. They also verbally abused him, calling him names and making fun of his appearance and intelligence.

The Signs and Reports of Abuse That Were Ignored

Takoda showed many signs of abuse and neglect, but they were either missed or ignored by the people who were supposed to help him. He was withdrawn, fearful, and anxious. He had poor hygiene, malnutrition, and untreated injuries and infections. He missed more than half of his kindergarten year, and never enrolled in school again after that. He was isolated from his friends, relatives, and neighbors. He tried to escape from his home several times, and even told a 911 operator that he wanted to kill himself. Several people reported their concerns about Takoda’s welfare to the police and the child services, but no action was taken to remove him from his abusive home.

The Events Leading Up to Takoda’s Death

On December 13, 2019, McLean called 911 and said that Takoda was unresponsive and not breathing. He claimed that Takoda had fallen in the shower and hit his head. The paramedics arrived and found Takoda lying on the floor, naked and covered in bruises and burns. They tried to resuscitate him, but it was too late. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. The autopsy revealed that Takoda died of blunt force trauma to the head, chest, and abdomen, and that he had signs of chronic abuse and neglect, such as broken bones, brain bleeding, and organ damage. He also had pneumonia, sepsis, and a blood infection.

The Arrest and Trial of Takoda’s Abusers

McLean and Hinze were arrested and charged with murder, rape, kidnapping, child endangering, and felonious assault. They pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial. Two other women, Jennifer Ebert and Crystal Laurel, who lived in the same house and witnessed the abuse, were also arrested and charged with child endangering. They pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against McLean and Hinze. They are facing up to three years in prison.

The Reaction and Response of the Community

Takoda’s death shocked and saddened the community, and sparked a demand for justice and accountability. Many people expressed their anger and sorrow on social media, and organized vigils, rallies, and petitions in his memory. They also raised funds and donated items for his funeral and burial. Some people also questioned the role and responsibility of the child welfare system, and called for reforms and investigations. The Montgomery County Children Services admitted that they failed to protect Takoda, and said that they are reviewing their policies and procedures.

The Legacy and Impact of Takoda’s Story

Takoda’s story has raised awareness and attention to the issue of child abuse and neglect, and the need for prevention and intervention. His story has also inspired and motivated people to speak up and act against abuse, and to support and help the victims and survivors. His story has also touched and moved many people, who have honored and remembered him in various ways, such as naming a park, a street, or a scholarship after him, or creating art, music, or poetry inspired by him. His story has also shown the resilience and courage of a child who endured unimaginable pain and suffering, but still hoped for a better life.


Takoda Collins was a 10-year-old boy who died after being abused and neglected by his father and stepmother. His story is a tragic and heartbreaking example of the horrors of child abuse and neglect, and the failure of the system to protect him. His story is also a powerful and inspiring example of the strength and spirit of a child who survived and fought against abuse, and the compassion and action of a community who cared and stood up for him. His story is a reminder and a call for us to end child abuse and neglect, and to ensure that every child is safe, loved, and happy.


A: Takoda Collins was a 10-year-old boy who died on December 13, 2019, after being abused and neglected by his father and stepmother.

A: Takoda Collins died of blunt force trauma to the head, chest, and abdomen, and had signs of chronic abuse and neglect, such as broken bones, brain bleeding, and organ damage.

A: Takoda Collins’ father and stepmother were arrested and charged with murder, rape, kidnapping, child endangering, and felonious assault. They pleaded not guilty and are awaiting trial. Two other women who lived in the same house and witnessed the abuse were also arrested and charged with child endangering. They pleaded guilty and agreed to testify against the abusers. They are facing up to three years in prison.

A: The community was shocked and saddened by Takoda Collins’ death, and demanded justice and accountability. They also organized vigils, rallies, and petitions in his memory, and raised funds and donated items for his funeral and burial. They also called for reforms and investigations of the child welfare system.

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