
Wiadomości wPolityce: A Portal for News from Poland and the World

Wiadomości wPolityce is a Polish news portal that covers topics from politics, economy, culture, society, and international affairs. The portal is affiliated with the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party and offers a pro-government perspective on current events. The portal also features opinion articles, interviews, videos, podcasts, and live broadcasts.

The Main Sections of the Portal

The portal has several main sections that provide different types of news and information. These are:

  • Wiadomości z Polski i ze świata (News from Poland and the World): This section contains the latest news from various domains, such as national politics, economy, health, education, justice, security, environment, religion, sports, and entertainment. The section also reports on the most important events and developments from around the world, especially those that affect Poland’s interests and relations.
  • Świat (World): This section focuses on the international news and analysis, with an emphasis on Europe, the United States, Russia, China, and the Middle East. The section also covers topics such as global security, diplomacy, human rights, democracy, terrorism, migration, and climate change.
  • Opinie (Opinions): This section features opinion articles and commentaries from various authors, including journalists, experts, politicians, activists, and celebrities. The section also hosts debates and discussions on controversial and relevant issues.
  • Nasz wywiad (Our Interview): This section presents exclusive interviews with prominent figures from various fields, such as politics, economy, culture, science, religion, and sports. The section also showcases profiles and biographies of influential people.
  • Warto przeczytać (Worth Reading): This section recommends books, articles, reports, documentaries, movies, and podcasts that are related to the portal’s topics and interests. The section also provides reviews and summaries of the recommended materials.
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The Features of the Portal

The portal has several features that make it attractive and engaging for its readers. These are:

  • Live Broadcasts: The portal broadcasts live events and programs from its own TV channel (Telewizja wPolsce) and radio station (Radio wPolsce). The portal also streams live coverage of important events from other sources, such as parliamentary sessions, press conferences, rallies, protests, ceremonies, and sports matches.
  • Podcasts: The portal produces and hosts various podcasts that cover topics such as politics, history, culture, society, religion, and lifestyle. The podcasts are available on the portal’s website and on popular platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
  • Videos: The portal offers a rich collection of videos that include news reports, interviews, debates, documentaries, animations, cartoons, music clips, and comedy sketches. The videos are available on the portal’s website and on its YouTube channel.
  • Social Media: The portal has a strong presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, and Clubhouse. The portal uses these platforms to share news updates, interact with its followers, promote its content, and organize events and contests.


Wiadomości wPolityce is a popular and influential news portal that provides a conservative and pro-government perspective on the news from Poland and the world. The portal has a loyal and engaged audience that appreciates its quality journalism, diverse opinions, and innovative features. The portal is also a source of information and inspiration for many people who share its values and vision.

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