Second Chances for Champions: Your Guide to Move Relearners in Pixelmon

Remember fondly that powerful Earthquake your Charizard once used, only to accidentally overwrite it later? Or maybe your meticulously bred Eevee lost its precious Hidden Power after a TM mishap? Fear not, trainers! The Move Relearner stands as your beacon of hope, offering a path to relearn forgotten moves and unlock your Pokémon’s true potential. Let’s delve into the world of Move Relearners and how they can empower your Pixelmon journey.
The Move Relearner: Your Friendly Neighborhood Professor Oak
Imagine encountering a kind NPC tucked away in specific biomes, ready to impart forgotten knowledge and reignite your Pokémon’s forgotten moves. That’s the Move Relearner! These helpful figures can re-teach any move your Pokémon learned naturally through level-ups, offering second chances and expanding your strategic options.
Finding Your Mentor: Where Do Move Relearners Reside?
While not omnipresent, Move Relearners can be found in Mountainous, Plains, and Ice Plains biomes. Keep your eyes peeled for their distinctive NPC signs! Alternatively, tech-savvy trainers can utilize the NPC editor tool to spawn one themselves.
The Price of Knowledge: Is There a Cost for Relearning?
Thankfully, by default, Move Relearners offer their services free of charge. Experiment freely and re-equip your Pokémon without worrying about in-game currency limitations. However, custom servers might implement their own cost systems, so double-check before making a move!
Beyond Level-Ups: Egg Moves and TMs
Move Relearners aren’t just for basic level-up moves. They hold the key to unlocking previously learned Egg Moves, those powerful techniques bred onto your Pokémon. Accidentally overwritten? Bring them back through the Move Relearner! Additionally, if you used a Technical Machine (TM) and later regretted it, the Move Relearner can offer a second chance to teach a different TM move – provided you still possess the TM, of course.
Level Restrictions: Not All Moves are Available at Once
Remember, Move Relearners can only teach moves your Pokémon learned at or below their current level. So, strategize your team’s level progression to ensure they reach the necessary level before revisiting a desired move.
From Novice to Master: Your Pokémon’s True Potential
By befriending Move Relearners and understanding their capabilities, you unlock a new level of strategic depth in your Pixelmon journey. Experiment with diverse move sets, adapt to evolving battle situations, and unleash the true potential within your Pokémon companions. Remember, knowledge is power, and Move Relearners are your key to unlocking it!
Move Relearners are invaluable assets in your Pixelmon journey, offering a second chance to optimize your team’s movesets and unlock their true potential. By understanding their location, services, and limitations, you can strategically craft diverse and powerful lineups that adapt to any battle situation. Remember, trainers, mastering moves is a key aspect of Pixelmon mastery, and Move Relearners are your allies in achieving that goal. Now go forth and conquer!
Q: What if I can’t find a Move Relearner in my biome?
A: If you’re playing on a server, they might be located in a specific area or require certain permissions. Ask your server admins for guidance. Alternatively, in singleplayer, use the NPC editor tool to spawn one.
Q: Can I relearn any move, even from other Pokémon?
A: No, Move Relearners only teach moves your specific Pokémon learned naturally through level-ups, including bred Egg Moves.
Q: Can I relearn moves taught by TMs after I used the TM?
A: Yes! As long as you still have the TM, the Move Relearner can teach the move as if you were using the TM for the first time.
Q: Are there any limitations to using Move Relearners?
A: Yes, your Pokémon must be at least the level it was when it originally learned the move you want to relearn. So, strategize your team’s level progression accordingly.
Q: Are there any other ways to relearn moves besides Move Relearners?
A: Some custom servers might implement special items or NPCs. Check your server’s documentation for details.