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Niezależna wPolityce: How to Be Independent and Critical in the Conservative Media Landscape

wPolityce is a portal that offers news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia on the most important and interesting topics related to politics, society, culture, and economy in Poland and abroad. It is a platform for conservative opinion and values, as well as a voice of the patriotic and pro-European community. It is also a part of the media group Fratria, which includes the weekly magazine wSieci, the television channel, and the radio station Radio Wnet.

Niezależna wPolityce is a term that refers to the journalists and commentators who work for wPolityce but who maintain their independence and critical thinking. They do not blindly follow or support the editorial line or the political agenda of wPolityce or its main patron, Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of the ruling party Law and Justice (PiS). They also do not hesitate to express their own opinions or perspectives on various issues, even if they differ from or contradict those of wPolityce or PiS.

In this blog post, we will introduce you to some of the most prominent and respected figures of Niezależna wPolityce. We will also show you how they contribute to the quality and diversity of wPolityce’s content. We will also show you why you should follow Niezależna wPolityce if you are interested in the conservative media landscape in Poland.

Who are Niezależna wPolityce?

Niezależna wPolityce is composed of several journalists and commentators who work for wPolityce but who have their own identity and voice. Some of them include:

  • Jacek Karnowski: He is a journalist, editor, and columnist who specializes in foreign affairs and international relations. He is also a former deputy editor-in-chief of wPolityce. He is known for his expertise and insight on various regions and countries, such as Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, USA, Israel, or Iran. He is also known for his criticism of PiS’s foreign policy and its relations with the EU.
  • Stanisław Janecki: He is a journalist, editor, and columnist who specializes in political and social issues. He is also a former editor-in-chief of wSieci. He is known for his critical and independent views on various topics, such as democracy, human rights, rule of law, or abortion. He is also known for his dispute with Piotr Lisiewicz, the editor-in-chief of wPolityce and the founder of Fratria, which led to his departure from wPolityce in 2018.
  • Marek Pyza: He is a journalist, editor, and columnist who specializes in investigative journalism and political scandals. He is also a former deputy editor-in-chief of wPolityce. He is known for his exposés and revelations on various cases involving politicians, public officials, businessmen, or celebrities. He is also known for his criticism of PiS’s economic policy and its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Marcin Wikło: He is a journalist, editor, and columnist who specializes in cultural and historical issues. He is also a former deputy editor-in-chief of wPolityce. He is known for his analysis and commentary on various topics related to history, religion, education, art, or literature. He is also known for his criticism of PiS’s cultural policy and its interference with the media or academia.
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How do Niezależna wPolityce contribute to wPolityce’s content?

Niezależna wPolityce contribute to wPolityce’s content by providing high-quality and diverse content that is informative, engaging, and entertaining. They also contribute by providing alternative or complementary perspectives on various issues that are relevant to Poland and Europe. They also contribute by challenging or questioning the dominant or mainstream narratives that are propagated by wPolityce or PiS.

Some examples of how Niezależna wPolityce contribute to wPolityce’s content are:

  • Jacek Karnowski: He provides expert analysis and commentary on various foreign affairs and international relations topics that affect Poland and Europe. For example, he wrote an article titled “Rosja grozi Polsce i Europie nowymi rakietami. Jak się bronić?” (Russia threatens Poland and Europe with new missiles. How to defend ourselves?), where he discussed how Poland and Europe can counter Russia’s new missile systems that pose a threat to their security.
  • Stanisław Janecki: He provides critical and independent views on various political and social issues that are important to Poland and Europe. For example, he wrote an article titled “Kaczyński nie jest PiS” (Kaczyński is not PiS), where he argued that Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of PiS and the main supporter of wPolityce, was not representing the interests and values of PiS or its voters. He also criticized Kaczyński’s authoritarian and divisive style of leadership, as well as his lack of vision and strategy for Poland’s future.
  • Marek Pyza: He provides investigative journalism and political scandals that expose various corruption or irregularities involving politicians, public officials, businessmen, or celebrities. For example, he wrote an article titled “Afera taśmowa. Kto nagrał i dlaczego? Zobacz śledztwo!” (Tape scandal. Who recorded and why? See investigation!), where he revealed the identity and motives of the person who recorded and leaked the tapes that revealed the conversations of several politicians and businessmen in a Warsaw restaurant in 2014.
  • Marcin Wikło: He provides analysis and commentary on various cultural and historical issues that are relevant to Poland and Europe. For example, he wrote an article titled “Dlaczego Polacy nie lubią Żydów? Zobacz analizę!” (Why do Poles not like Jews? See analysis!), where he explored the history, causes, and consequences of anti-Semitism in Poland.
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Why You Should Follow Niezależna wPolityce?

Following Niezależna wPolityce has many benefits. For example, you can:

  • Learn from expert journalists, analysts, commentators, and guests who offer insightful and reliable perspectives on various issues related to politics, society, culture, and economy in Poland and abroad.
  • Enjoy high-quality and diverse content that is informative, engaging, and entertaining.
  • Support independent and critical journalism that is not afraid to challenge or question the dominant or mainstream narratives that are propagated by wPolityce or PiS.
  • Join a community of like-minded people who share your conservative opinion and values, as well as your patriotic and pro-European vision.

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