
Imieniny Poli: When and How to Celebrate the Name Day of Pola

Imieniny, or name days, are a traditional way of celebrating one’s given name in many European countries, especially in Poland. Each day of the year is associated with one or more names, usually derived from saints or martyrs. People who share the same name celebrate their imieniny on the same date. Imieniny are often considered more important than birthdays, as they are connected to one’s patron saint and religious identity.

One of the names that has its own imieniny is Pola, which is a diminutive form of Apolonia or Paula. Pola is a relatively new name in Polish culture, as it was only popularized in the 20th century by the actress Pola Negri. Pola is a feminine name that means “belonging to Apollo”, the Greek god of music, poetry, and light.

When are the Imieniny of Pola?

Pola can celebrate her imieniny twice a year: on February 9th and September 23rd. The most common date is February 9th, which is the feast day of Saint Apollonia, a virgin and martyr who died in Alexandria in the 3rd century. She is the patron saint of dentists and those who suffer from toothache, as she had her teeth broken and pulled out by her persecutors before she threw herself into the fire.

The other date is September 23rd, which is the feast day of Saint Polixena, a princess and martyr who lived in the 4th century. She was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy, and she was killed by Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, after the fall of Troy. She is venerated as a saint by the Eastern Orthodox Church.

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How to Celebrate the Imieniny of Pola?

The imieniny of Pola are usually celebrated with family and friends, who gather to wish her all the best and give her gifts and flowers. Pola may also attend a mass or a prayer service in honor of her patron saint. Some traditional gifts for Pola are jewelry, books, chocolates, or perfumes.

One of the most important parts of the celebration is sending or receiving wishes for Pola’s imieniny. These wishes can be expressed in person, by phone, by email, or by social media. They can be formal or informal, depending on the relationship between the sender and the recipient. Here are some examples of wishes for Pola’s imieniny:

  • Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji imienin! Niech Cię patronuje św. Apolonia i św. Poliksena! (All the best on your name day! May Saint Apollonia and Saint Polixena protect you!)
  • Zdrowia, szczęścia i miłości na Twoje imieniny życzy… (Health, happiness, and love on your name day wishes…)
  • Kochana Polu! Z okazji Twoich imienin życzę Ci spełnienia wszystkich marzeń i radości z każdego dnia! (Dear Pola! On your name day I wish you fulfillment of all your dreams and joy from every day!)
  • Serdecznie gratuluję Ci imienin i życzę Ci wielu sukcesów w życiu osobistym i zawodowym! (I warmly congratulate you on your name day and wish you many successes in your personal and professional life!)


Imieniny Poli are a special occasion for Pola and her loved ones to celebrate her name and its meaning. By choosing one of the two dates that correspond to her name, Pola can honor her patron saints and enjoy their blessings. By exchanging wishes and gifts with her family and friends, Pola can feel appreciated and valued. Imieniny Poli are a beautiful tradition that enriches Polish culture and identity.

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