
Polityka wPolityce: How to Follow the Political Scene in Poland and the World

wPolityce is a portal that offers news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia on the most important and interesting topics related to politics, society, culture, and economy in Poland and abroad. It is a platform for conservative opinion and values, as well as a voice of the patriotic and pro-European community. It is also a part of the media group Fratria, which includes the weekly magazine wSieci, the television channel, and the radio station Radio Wnet.

If you are interested in following the political scene in Poland and the world, wPolityce is one of the best sources of information and insight. In this blog post, we will show you how to access and enjoy the content of wPolityce on various topics related to politics, such as:

  • Elections
  • Parties
  • Leaders
  • Policies
  • Issues
  • Debates
  • Scandals
  • Polls

How to Access Polityka wPolityce

Accessing Polityka wPolityce is easy and convenient. You can do it in a few simple ways:

  • Website: You can visit the official website of wPolityce or search for “polityka wpolityce” on Bing or other search engines. You can browse through thousands of articles, videos, podcasts, and live broadcasts on various categories, such as politics, economy, world, culture, history, or sport. You can also search for specific topics or keywords using the search bar at the top of the page.
  • Mobile app: You can download and use the mobile app of wPolityce on your smartphone or tablet. You can access the latest news, videos, podcasts, and live broadcasts. You can also customize your preferences and notifications.
  • Social media: You can follow and interact with wPolityce on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Telegram. You can also share your opinions and feedback with other followers and journalists.
  • Newsletter: You can subscribe to the newsletter of wPolityce and receive daily or weekly updates on the most important and interesting topics in your email inbox. You can also unsubscribe at any time.

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Why You Should Follow Polityka wPolityce

Following Polityka wPolityce has many benefits. For example, you can:

  • Stay informed of the latest news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia on the most important and interesting topics related to politics in Poland and abroad.
  • Learn from expert journalists, analysts, commentators, and guests who offer insightful and reliable perspectives on various political issues.
  • Support conservative opinion and values, as well as patriotic and pro-European vision that are often marginalized or attacked by mainstream media.
  • Participate in online discussions and debates with other followers, journalists, experts, or guests. You can also ask questions or give feedback to wPolityce.
  • Enjoy high-quality and diverse content that is informative, engaging, and entertaining.
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Some Examples of Polityka wPolityce

To give you an idea of what kind of content you can find on Polityka wPolityce, here are some examples of recent articles or videos on various political topics:

  • Elections: “PiS wygrywa wybory parlamentarne 2023! Zobacz sondaż!” (PiS wins parliamentary elections 2023! See poll!) – This article presents the results of a poll conducted by Social Changes for that shows that PiS would win the next parliamentary elections with 33% of votes, followed by KO with 28%, Poland 2050 with 11%, Confederation with 11%, The Left with 8%, PSL with 5%, Kukiz’15 with 2%, and Agreement with 1%.
  • Parties: “Nowa partia Jakubiaka zadebiutuje na scenie politycznej? Zobacz sondaż!” (New party of Jakubiak will debut on the political scene? See poll!) – This article presents the results of a poll conducted by Social Changes for that shows that Federation for the Republic (Federacja dla Rzeczypospolitej), a new conservative party founded by Marek Jakubiak, would get 2% of votes if it participated in the next parliamentary elections.
  • Leaders: “Kto jest najpopularniejszym polskim politykiem? Zobacz ranking!” (Who is the most popular Polish politician? See ranking!) – This article presents the results of a poll conducted by Social Changes for that shows that Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of PiS, is the most popular Polish politician with 46% of positive opinions, followed by Szymon Hołownia, the leader of Poland 2050, with 44%, and Mateusz Morawiecki, the prime minister of Poland, with 43%.
  • Policies: “Co Polacy myślą o polityce zagranicznej rządu? Zobacz sondaż!” (What do Poles think about the foreign policy of the government? See poll!) – This article presents the results of a poll conducted by Social Changes for that shows that 54% of Poles approve of the foreign policy of the government, while 32% disapprove and 14% have no opinion. The poll also shows that 59% of Poles support the government’s stance on the EU budget and rule of law mechanism, while 29% oppose and 12% have no opinion.
  • Issues: “Co Polacy myślą o aborcji? Zobacz sondaż!” (What do Poles think about abortion? See poll!) – This article presents the results of a poll conducted by Social Changes for that shows that 51% of Poles support the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal that bans abortion in cases of fetal defects, while 41% oppose and 8% have no opinion. The poll also shows that 56% of Poles support the right to life from conception to natural death, while 36% oppose and 8% have no opinion.
  • Debates: “Debata prezydencka w USA. Kto wygrał? Zobacz analizę!” (Presidential debate in USA. Who won? See analysis!) – This video presents an analysis of the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in USA. The video features comments from Łukasz Warzecha, Jacek Karnowski, and Tomasz Sakiewicz, who share their opinions on the performance and arguments of both candidates.
  • Scandals: “Afera taśmowa. Kto nagrał i dlaczego? Zobacz śledztwo!” (Tape scandal. Who recorded and why? See investigation!) – This article presents an investigation into the tape scandal that revealed the conversations of several politicians and businessmen in a Warsaw restaurant in 2014. The article reveals the identity and motives of the person who recorded and leaked the tapes, as well as the consequences and implications of the scandal.
  • Polls: “Jak zmieniła się opinia publiczna w Polsce w ciągu ostatniego roku? Zobacz raport!” (How has public opinion changed in Poland in the last year? See report!) – This article presents a report on the changes in public opinion in Poland in the last year based on the surveys conducted by Social Changes for The report shows how Poles’ views on various topics, such as politics, economy, society, culture, or religion, have evolved over time.
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wPolityce is a portal that offers news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia on the most important and interesting topics related to politics, society, culture, and economy in Poland and abroad. It is a platform for conservative opinion and values, as well as a voice of the patriotic and pro-European community. It is also a part of the media group Fratria.

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