
Świat wPolityce: How to Stay Informed and Engaged with the Global Affairs from a Conservative Perspective

wPolityce is a portal that offers news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia on the most important and interesting topics related to politics, society, culture, and economy in Poland and abroad. It is a platform for conservative opinion and values, as well as a voice of the patriotic and pro-European community. It is also a part of the media group Fratria, which includes the weekly magazine wSieci, the television channel, and the radio station Radio Wnet.

Świat wPolityce is a category on wPolityce that focuses on the global affairs and the international relations that affect Poland and Europe. It covers various regions and countries, such as Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, USA, Israel, or Iran. It also covers various issues and challenges, such as security, democracy, human rights, trade, migration, or climate change.

In this blog post, we will show you how to access and enjoy the content of Świat wPolityce on wPolityce portal. We will also show you why you should follow Świat wPolityce if you are interested in the global affairs from a conservative perspective.

How to Access Świat wPolityce

Accessing Świat wPolityce is easy and convenient. You can do it in a few simple ways:

  • Website: You can visit the official website of wPolityce or search for “swiat wpolityce” on google or other search engines. You can find the latest articles, videos, podcasts, or live broadcasts on Świat wPolityce on the homepage or under the category “Świat”. You can also browse through the archive of previous content.
  • Mobile app: You can download and use the mobile app of wPolityce on your smartphone or tablet. You can access the latest content on Świat wPolityce as well as other content from wPolityce. You can also customize your preferences and notifications.
  • Social media: You can follow and interact with wPolityce on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Telegram. You can also share your opinions and feedback with other followers and journalists.
  • Newsletter: You can subscribe to the newsletter of wPolityce and receive daily or weekly updates on the most important and interesting topics in your email inbox. You can also unsubscribe at any time.

Why You Should Follow Świat wPolityce

Following Świat wPolityce has many benefits. For example, you can:

  • Stay informed of the latest news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia on the most important and interesting topics related to global affairs and international relations that affect Poland and Europe.
  • Learn from expert journalists, analysts, commentators, and guests who offer insightful and reliable perspectives on various global issues and challenges from a conservative point of view.
  • Support conservative opinion and values, as well as patriotic and pro-European vision that are often marginalized or attacked by mainstream media or globalist forces.
  • Participate in online discussions and debates with other followers, journalists, experts, or guests. You can also ask questions or give feedback to wPolityce.
  • Enjoy high-quality and diverse content that is informative, engaging, and entertaining.
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Some Examples of Świat wPolityce

To give you an idea of what kind of content you can find on Świat wPolityce on wPolityce portal, here are some examples of recent articles or videos on various global topics:

  • Europe: “Unia Europejska podzielona na dwie części. Kto z kim i dlaczego?” (European Union divided into two parts. Who with whom and why?) – This article presents an analysis of the current situation in the European Union after the Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. It shows how the EU is split into two groups: one that supports more integration and centralization under Germany and France; and one that defends more sovereignty and diversity under Poland and Hungary.
  • Russia: “Rosja grozi Polsce i Europie nowymi rakietami. Jak się bronić?” (Russia threatens Poland and Europe with new missiles. How to defend ourselves?) – This article presents an overview of the new missile systems that Russia has developed or deployed in recent years. It also discusses how Poland and Europe can counter these threats by strengthening their defense capabilities and cooperation with NATO and USA.
  • Ukraine: “Ukraina na skraju upadku? Zobacz rozmowę z Andrijem Deszczycią” (Ukraine on the verge of collapse? See the conversation with Andriy Deshchytsia) – This video presents an interview with Andriy Deshchytsia, a former foreign minister of Ukraine and a current ambassador of Ukraine to Poland. He talks about the political, economic, and social situation in Ukraine, as well as the relations with Poland, Russia, and the EU.
  • Belarus: “Białoruś w ogniu. Co się dzieje i co nas czeka?” (Belarus in fire. What is happening and what awaits us?) – This article presents a report on the ongoing protests and repression in Belarus after the disputed presidential election in 2020. It also explores the possible scenarios and consequences for Belarus, Poland, and the region.
  • China: “Chiny to nowy Związek Radziecki? Zobacz analizę” (China is the new Soviet Union? See analysis) – This article presents an analysis of the rise of China as a global power and a rival of the West. It compares China’s ambitions and strategies with those of the former Soviet Union. It also examines how Poland and Europe can deal with the challenges and opportunities posed by China.
  • USA: “USA po wyborach. Co się zmieniło i co nas czeka?” (USA after the elections. What has changed and what awaits us?) – This article presents an overview of the results and implications of the presidential and congressional elections in USA in 2020. It also discusses how the new administration of Joe Biden will affect the relations with Poland, Europe, and the world.
  • Israel: “Izrael to nasz przyjaciel i sojusznik? Zobacz rozmowę z Jonatanem Ornsteinem” (Israel is our friend and ally? See the conversation with Jonatan Ornstein) – This video presents an interview with Jonatan Ornstein, a Jewish activist and director of the Jewish Community Center in Krakow. He talks about the history, culture, and identity of the Jewish people in Poland and Israel. He also talks about the cooperation and friendship between Poland and Israel.
  • Iran: “Iran to nasz wróg i zagrożenie? Zobacz analizę” (Iran is our enemy and threat? See analysis) – This article presents an analysis of the current situation in Iran after the assassination of its top nuclear scientist in 2020. It also discusses how Iran’s nuclear program and regional ambitions pose a threat to Poland, Europe, and the world.
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wPolityce is a portal that offers news, analysis, commentary, and multimedia on the most important and interesting topics related to politics, society, culture, and economy in Poland and abroad. It is a platform for conservative opinion and values, as well as a voice of the patriotic and pro-European community. It is also a part of the media group Fratria.

Świat wPolityce is a category on wPolityce that focuses on the global affairs and the international relations that affect Poland and Europe. It covers various regions and countries, such as Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, USA, Israel, or Iran. It also covers various issues and challenges, such as security, democracy, human rights, trade, migration, or climate change.

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