
Twitter wPolityce: News Portal Uses Social Media to Promote Its Agenda

Twitter wPolityce is the official Twitter account of, a Polish news portal that covers topics such as politics, economy, culture, society, and international affairs. The portal was launched in 2009 by the Foundation for Journalism (Fundacja Dziennikarstwa), which is affiliated with the conservative political party Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS). The portal is known for its pro-government and anti-opposition stance, as well as its criticism of the European Union, Germany, Russia, and liberal media outlets.

Content and Strategy

Twitter wPolityce posts various types of content on its account, such as news articles, opinion pieces, interviews, reports, analyses, videos, podcasts, and live broadcasts. The account also retweets and replies to other accounts that share its views or challenge its opponents. The account has over 300 thousand followers and follows over 2 thousand accounts.

Twitter wPolityce uses social media to promote its agenda and influence public opinion. The account often posts content that supports PiS and its policies, praises its leaders and allies, attacks its rivals and critics, and spreads misinformation and propaganda. The account also uses hashtags, mentions, and links to increase its visibility and engagement. Some of the examples are:

  • In July 2023, Twitter wPolityce posted a tweet that claimed that Donald Tusk and Radosław Sikorski, two prominent opposition politicians, had sabotaged the attempts of President Lech Kaczyński to stop Russia’s aggression in 2008. The tweet included a link to an article on that alleged that Tusk and Sikorski had conspired with Russia against Poland’s interests. The tweet also used the hashtags #dokumenty (documents) and #Reset (a documentary series produced by to attract attention and generate controversy.
  • In June 2023, Twitter wPolityce posted a tweet that criticized the European Commission for launching an infringement procedure against Poland over its judicial reforms. The tweet accused the Commission of being biased and interfering in Poland’s sovereignty. The tweet also mentioned Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the Commission, and Frans Timmermans, the vice-president of the Commission, as well as the Civic Platform party, which supports the EU’s actions. The tweet also used the hashtag #PolskaNiePoddajeSie (Poland does not give up) to express defiance and solidarity.
  • In May 2023, Twitter wPolityce posted a tweet that praised Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of PiS and the deputy prime minister of Poland, for his speech at the party’s convention. The tweet quoted Kaczyński as saying that PiS had fulfilled its promises and defended Poland’s dignity and sovereignty. The tweet also used the hashtag #PiS2023 to show support for the party’s campaign for the upcoming parliamentary elections.
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Reception and Controversies

Twitter wPolityce is one of the most active and influential news accounts on Polish Twitter. The account receives a lot of likes, retweets, comments, and mentions from its followers and supporters. The account also engages in debates and arguments with its opponents and critics.

However, Twitter wPolityce is also one of the most controversial news accounts on Polish Twitter. The account faces a lot of criticism and accusations of spreading fake news, propaganda, hate speech, and defamation. The account has been reported and suspended several times for violating Twitter’s rules and policies. Some of the examples are:

  • In April 2023, Twitter wPolityce was suspended for 12 hours for posting a tweet that called Agnieszka Holland, a Polish film director and activist, a “traitor” and a “fascist” for supporting the opposition candidates in the parliamentary elections. The tweet also included a link to an article on that slandered Holland’s reputation and achievements. The tweet was reported by many users as abusive and hateful.
  • In March 2023, Twitter wPolityce was suspended for 24 hours for posting a tweet that accused Adam Bodnar, the Polish ombudsman for human rights, of being an agent of George Soros, a Hungarian-American billionaire and philanthropist. The tweet also included a link to an article on that alleged that Bodnar had received funding from Soros’s foundations to undermine Poland’s democracy. The tweet was reported by many users as misleading and false.
  • In February 2023, Twitter wPolityce was suspended for 48 hours for posting a tweet that claimed that the European Court of Human Rights had ruled in favor of Poland in a case concerning the abortion ban. The tweet also included a link to an article on that celebrated the court’s decision as a victory for Poland’s sovereignty and values. The tweet was reported by many users as inaccurate and deceptive.
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Twitter wPolityce is a news account that uses social media to promote its conservative agenda and influence public opinion. The account posts various types of content that support PiS and its policies, praise its leaders and allies, attack its rivals and critics, and spread misinformation and propaganda. The account is popular among PiS supporters but controversial among its critics. The account has been involved in several legal battles and disputes with other media outlets and public figures over its content.

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